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Stefan Kaierle

來源:LIA.org2016-04-23 我要評論(0 )   

Stefan Kaierlestudied electrical engineering and went on to earn his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at RWTH Aachen Univ

 Stefan Kaierle studied electrical engineering and went on to earn his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. In 1998 he joined Fraunhofer ILT as a department head for system technology. In this role, his main research was focused on laser system technology, laser materials processing, laser process control and optics, as well as related fields like eco-efficiency, automation and laser engineering. He had been appointed to two guest professorships at Changchun University (in 2005) and at Beijing University of Technology (in 2007), China. In 2012, Dr. Kaierle moved to Laser Zentrum Hannover (LZH) and assumed responsibility for the department of Materials and Processes. Currently, he is President of the European Laser Institute ELI and Co-Executive Editor-in-Chief of the new NATURE journal Light: Science & Applications.



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