Klaus Löffler, LIA’s 2013 president, graduated from the University of Stuttgart with a master’s in mechanical engineering. His expertise in lasers extends from resonator design, excitation methods, beam delivery, sensor systems to laser material processing. From 1990 to 1991 he worked on the LaserCAV process at MAHO in Pfronten, Germany. From 1991 to 1995 he worked at TRUMPF Laser Technik in Ditzingen, Germany as a CO2 development engineer. In 1995, he came to TRUMPF Inc. in Farmington, CT, USA. He worked as technical coordinator between TRUMPF in Germany and TRUMPF Inc. to transfer technology and build up technical staff. From 1996 to 2002 he started the TRUMPF Laser Technology Center in Plymouth, MI, USA. In his position as director, he was responsible for the organization, mainly focused in support and sales of all laser products. During this time more than 500 TRUMPF lasers were implemented in North America. From 2002 to 2006 he took over the position as manager of the joining group at Volkswagen. In this position he was responsible for the implementation of more than 500 High Power Lasers into production. This included the application as well as the industrial implementation.
From 2006 to the end of 2009 he took over the responsibility for international sales at TRUMPF Lasers and Systems along with the responsibility for sales, additional product management, main application management and marketing. From 2009 to 2010 he implemented the strategic industry development for the TRUMPF Laser und Systemtechnik. In 2011 he was promoted to the Head of International Sales for TRUMPF Laser. Starting in 2007, he became a member of the Board of Directors of the Laser Institute of America. In 2008 he was elected as Secretary of the Executive Committee of LIA. Besides LIA, he serves on the advisory board of the Fraunhofer IWU, Bavarian Laser Center, School of Advanced Optical Technology and the exhibition LASYS. Mr. Loffler also acts as an editor for JLA. The global growth of laser technology is the goal of all of these activities.
During his term as LIA president, Löffler would like to ensure the growth pattern from the previous years and take measures that ensure a stable growth for years to come. He has a lot of ideas and his goal is to implement as many as possible and have a measurable positive result at the end of 2013 with the help of the dedicated LIA members and staff.
One of Löffler’s goals is to continue to support immediate past president Reinhart Poprawe’s hard work in the positive development of LIA’s Journal of Laser Applications® (JLA) by encouraging more creative attention and input within the organization itself.
Löffler would also like to put measures in place to increase LIA’s brand awareness. Cooperation has already been established between LIA and a graduate program based in Germany, to increase the reach of LIA. If it develops well, he would like to see similar cooperations like this one increase internationally. Löffler does not want to just look at countries far away, he would also like to take a closer look into other American countries like Mexico, Canada, Brazil, etc. and how LIA could serve their needs in order to increase presence and gain new memberships. Within the U.S., the government initiative “Harnessing Light” offers a chance for LIA to take a leading role and further increase LIA’s brand awareness.