IEC TC76 Plenary meeting opening on 24th Oct.

source:Laser Manufacture News



 IEC TC76 (OpticalRadiation Safety and Laser Equipment) Plenary meeting was held in the Peace Ballroom in the morning of October 24th. Sixty-two experts from Austria, Australia, Belgium, Germany, Italy,Japan, Republic of Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America and China attended the meeting. Mr. Li Zhong, director of Quality & Safety and Social Responsibility of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation and Mr. Feng Xue, vice director of North China research institute of electro-optics present at the meeting. The meeting presided over by IEC/TC 76 general secretary. First of all, Mr. Li Zhong on behalf of China did the welcome speech. TC284 secretariat Ms.Yan Qi made a presentation on the conference business arrangements. Subsequently, the working group convenors made a brief introduction on the issues that need to be solved in the after meeting. The China delegate professor Tongsheng Mou of the Sensing Instruments Co., Ltd, made a report about “Emerging issues of optical radiation safety in the industry”. Japan delegate Mr. Kunihiko Washio presented a new proposal to amend IEC 60825-4:2011Safety of laser products-Part 4:Laser guards.

WG1 (Optical radiation safety working group) meeting was held in the Wenhua Hall in the afternoon of October 24th, the convenor is David H.Sliney, 31 experts attended the meeting. The meeting discussed the "Draft for New Work Item Proposal " which related to the safety for the laser product when human access to it. All of them agree that each laser product shall have a protective housing which, when in place, prevents human access to laser radiation (including errant laser radiation) such that the laser product is classified as Class 1, unless human access to laser radiation is necessary for the performance of the function(s) of the product.

WG4 (Safety of medical laser equipment working group) meeting was held in the Orchid Room in the afternoon of October 24th, 22 experts attended the meeting, the convenor is Wolfram Gorisch. The meeting discussed IEC 60601-2-22 《particular safety and essential performance of surgical, cosmetic therapeutic and diagnostic laser equipment》. about 40 comments from UK, Germany, Italy and other countries were received before, these comments were discussed in the meeting. The edition comments were almost accepted totally. The technical comments were discussed focusly, such as the coincidence of the indicate beam and the working beam, and such as the tolerance limit of emission time of laser working in the periorbital area.

WG5 (Safety of fiber optics communications systems working group) meeting was held in the Lily Room in the afternoon of October 24th, the convenor is Regan Michael, 10 experts attended the meeting. The meeting discussed WGCD of IEC 60825-12 Ed. 2.0: Safety of laser products - Part 12: Safety of free space optical communication systems used for transmission of information.This standard is drafted by the Japanese mainly. For more than 60 comments of CC/76/533/CDV, which was put forward by national committee of USA , Iran, Japan, Canada and so on. In this meeting all the comments were discussed in detail one by one.

JWG12 (Eye and face protection against laser radiation joint working group) continued their meeting in the Orchid Room in the evening of October 24th, 20 experts attended the meeting.