PIC 2016國際光電集成電路大會日程表


keywords: PIC photonics laser



Michael Lebby, Chair in Optoelectronics, Glynd?r University. Board Director Lightwave Logic Inc.


演講人:William Ring, CEO and President - BB Photonics
Integration of Photonics on chip is necessary to address the future demands of the datacenter. The market demands for low cost, small footprint and low power require innovation in the design of the photonic components. To reduce power and to enable on-chip integration requires designs that enable minimal temperature variation of MUX/De-MUX for the wavelength control and management. BB Photonics is developing a platform approach integrating low loss dielectrics into InP wafers for wavelength routing and functionality to enable mode matched devices that have a low thermal variation. This unique approach reduces size, cost, adds functionality and enables high coupling to the passive waveguides from the III-V components that can then be integrated with Spot-size converters and high-speed waveguide devices. The current work on 100GbE LR4 device integration will be discussed.

演講題目:Heterogeneous integration: creating photonic circuits for advanced systems-in-package
演講人:Gregory Fish, CTO - Aurrion
The use of photonics in systems is evolving from an assembly of discrete lenses, filters, and exotic optical materials to modern system-in-package implementations wher the only identifying feature of the use of photonics is the presence of a fiber jumper. This evolution started with the integration and consolidation of optical components onto a singular optical substrate and has been furthered through the development of packaging architectures that are indistinguishable from those used in standard electronic OSAT flows. We will review recent progress in photonic integration, packaging, and design methodologies developed at Aurrion that enable the incorporation of photonics into systems by conventional electronic designers without prerequisite knowledge on designing optical links.

講題:Excelling in the efficiency of lasers formed on silicon
演講人:Shinji Matsuo - NTT Photonics Lab
Internet traffic is rising in datacom and computercom networks, and to prevent energy consumption from escalating, there is a need to reduce the operating energy of the laser. Thus, the integration of a membrane-buried heterostructure laser on a SiO2-on-silicon substrate is essential, because this increases device efficiency by enhancing carrier and photon confinement. We have employed epitaxial growth of a buried InP layer on a directly-bonded active layer on a SiO2-on-silicon substrate. This approach can be pursued with silicon CMOS fabrication technologies, and it promises to trim fabrication costs.

更多演講人,請訪問:more speakers, please visit: http://www.picinternational.net/abstracts