EPIC appoints Jose Pozo as Director of Technology and Innovation


  release:Johnny Lee

keywords: EPIC Jose Pozo PNO


BRUSSELS, Belgium – 3 December 2015. EPIC, the European Photonic Industry Consortium, announced Jose Pozo, PhD, previous Senior Photonic Technology Consultant at PNO Consultants, has been appointed Director of Technology and Innovation starting 1 January 2016.

I am pleased to welcome such an experienced professional as Jose Pozo to EPIC," said Drew Nelson, President of EPIC. "Jose Pozo is a well-known expertin the European photonics industry and has a successful track record in creating and managing technology working groups and value chains”.

Jose Pozo EPIC 2016_副本

Before being appointed by EPIC, Jose Pozo has been leading the Photonics technology-related activities at PNO Consultants. He focussed on exploiting his extended network of industrial and research partners to form consortia along the supply chain.

When asked about his vision, Jose answered: "In general, my view on the business case of photonics is based on the development of standard mature technologies by means of the combination of the existing platforms and foundries, getting the best out of each of them by means of process integration. I think that SMEs have the key for enabling this, specially using affordable prototyping infrastructures available in Europe for technology validation. I strongly believe in SMEs as a key to turning around Europe’s economy. My personal goal is to utilize my technological knowledge to play a pivotal role in the cross sectorial applications that the hundreds of EPIC members enable.”

Jose has deep technology knowledge and a genuine passion for photonics. I have witnessed how effective he is at understanding our members’ priorities and challenges, Jose is a great addition to the EPIC team” says Carlos Lee, Director General at EPIC.

In his new role, Jose will actively support the 240 members of EPIC to enhance the value of the EPIC membership by contributing specific expertise and connecting companies with unique know-how, from optical fiber to free space optics, from large area organic photonic structures to nanophotonics. From 1 January 2016, Jose Pozo can be reached at jose.pozo@epic-assoc.com